Ruach Learning Cohort FAQ

  • Join a space where you won’t be asked how you’re Jewish and explore how the removal of similar pain points we face as JOCs can contribute to a one-of-a-kind Jewish learning space.

    Find new friends and build a supportive and enduring local JOC community together.

    And, if you are not already deeply connected, gain opportunities to authentically connect to your local Jewish community.

  • This is absolutely not an introduction to Judaism class. This engaging course was designed for JOCs of all different Jewish learning backgrounds and experiences. Whether you are an Orthodox Jew or have not engaged in Jewish rituals since you were a kid, there is something for everyone. 

    One of the main teaching tools used is studying and discussing Torah texts, while bringing our perspectives and meaning making to the texts. We don’t teach what Shabbat is or what Jewish values are but, instead, engage in text study, discussion, and activities that everyone can contribute to and get something out of.

  • Ammud is not associated with a denomination, and we strive to be a pluralistic Jewish learning space. Whether you identify as Reform, Orthodox, Reconstructionist, or just Jewish, Ammud is for  you.

  • Jews of Color. Multiracial Jews. Multiethnic Jews. 

    The term “Jew(s) of Color” is political and is used to build community and solidarity amongst non-white Jews. It encompasses a wide breadth of cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. Some JOCs may be hyper-visible in white Jewish spaces, while other JOCs may have proximity to whiteness, though are JOCs because of their generational lineage or cultural background. We consider Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews who identify as non-white to be Jews of Color. 

    It’s real that a person who is Ashkenazi and not a person of color and often viewed as white can have racialized experiences (i.e. being “outed” as Jewish based on curly hair). Race is not objective;, it’s all contextual. The context Ammud operates with in is that some members of the American Jewish community are consistently more accepted in Jewish spaces than others and some face challenges of racism every day. 

    We know that this might feel confusing — race is a social construct that at the same time concretely impacts lives. If you’re sitting in the messiness of trying to decide if you are a JOC (i.e. you object to the term, you are grappling with the concept of being “white-passing,” etc), we welcome you in this space in all that messiness as a JOC Member.

  • At this time, our teachers are incredible Rabbis! This means that you are able to ask questions on Hebrew, root words, depths of Jewish ritual and Torah, and much more — and they will have the knowledge to answer.

  • Ammud fully subsidizes the total cost of this program to make it available to JOCS at no charge. Ammud exists, in part, because of donations from members and supporters all over the world. We ask that you please consider a $100-$360 donation as part of your registration.